I have enjoyed paper arts for many years and find myself happiest when working with paper. It all started with making cards by hand. That lead to rubber stamping and embossing (both dry and heat). Being bitten hard, I expanded into handmade paper and paper casting. I got my start in making sheets of paper using Arnold Grummer's Papermill kit. It uses a pour mold versus a dip mold (I'll get into details in a later posting). You need three things to get starting using these kits: water, a blender, and the contents of the kit. Easy and relatively inexpensive to get started. In an afternoon, you have several sheets of handmade paper to use as you wish. Very fun and potentially addictive (aren't all things with me?). You should be able to find these kits at your local craft store. Here is a link to the Arnold Grummer site. http://www.arnoldgrummer.com/